Monday, October 18, 2010

Craeting First application in rails

First of all navigate to the folder where we wanted to create our application in console then in the console paste the above command

mathew@mathew Aptana RadRails Workspace]$ rails cric

The result will be as below

[mathew@mathew Aptana RadRails Workspace]$ rails cric


create app/controllers

create app/helpers

create app/models

create app/views/layouts

create config/environments

create config/initializers

create config/locales

create db

create doc

create lib

create lib/tasks

create log

create public/images

create public/javascripts

create public/stylesheets

create script/performance

create test/fixtures

create test/functional

create test/integration

create test/performance

create test/unit

create vendor

create vendor/plugins

create tmp/sessions

create tmp/sockets

create tmp/cache

create tmp/pids

create Rakefile

create README

create app/controllers/application_controller.rb

create app/helpers/application_helper.rb

create config/database.yml

create config/routes.rb

create config/locales/en.yml

create db/seeds.rb

create config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb

create config/initializers/inflections.rb

create config/initializers/mime_types.rb

create config/initializers/new_rails_defaults.rb

create config/initializers/session_store.rb

create config/environment.rb

create config/boot.rb

create config/environments/production.rb

create config/environments/development.rb

create config/environments/test.rb

create script/about

create script/console

create script/dbconsole

create script/destroy

create script/generate

create script/runner

create script/server

create script/plugin

create script/performance/benchmarker

create script/performance/profiler

create test/test_helper.rb

create test/performance/browsing_test.rb

create public/404.html

create public/422.html

create public/500.html

create public/index.html

create public/favicon.ico

create public/robots.txt

create public/images/rails.png

create public/javascripts/prototype.js

create public/javascripts/effects.js

create public/javascripts/dragdrop.js

create public/javascripts/controls.js

create public/javascripts/application.js

create doc/README_FOR_APP

create log/server.log

create log/production.log

create log/development.log

create log/test.log

This will create a bunch of files as given above.So our next step to navigate to that project folder by giving the below command.

mathew@mathew Aptana RadRails Workspace]$ cd cric/

Inorder to check whether rails applicaion is set to work use the below command to start the server

[mathew@mathew cric]$ script/server

You can see this results on the console panel

[mathew@mathew cric]$ script/server

=> Booting WEBrick

=> Rails 2.3.4 application starting on

=> Call with -d to detach

=> Ctrl-C to shutdown server

[2010-10-18 15:33:16] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1

[2010-10-18 15:33:16] INFO ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24) [i386-linux]

[2010-10-18 15:33:16] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=3435 port=3000

Since there is no error on console u can check the application by goin through this url http://localhost:3000/

The following screen appears infront of you

Craeting First application in rails

For all those who are beginner in programming aim to show Hallo world first,so lets also begin like that. So first of all lets start by creating controller Also our main aim is to create a team management system so we need to create a table to store the name of the team along with their ids.So the first step is to write a model called team.So go to the projects folder and run this below script to create a model for team.

mathew@mathew cric]$ script/generate model team

If the model is created successfully the following sub folders should be also createdas below

exists app/models/

exists test/unit/

exists test/fixtures/

create app/models/team.rb

create test/unit/team_test.rb

create test/fixtures/teams.yml

create db/migrate

create db/migrate/20101021043114_create_teams.rb

As a result of this migrations are created so what we need is to run a migration by mentioning the fields of the table teams in the migration file as below

class CreateTeams < limit ="">32
t.string :group, :limit =>32


def self.down
drop_table :teams

After making proper changes to migrations save the migrations and we need to rake the migration in order to create the table called "teams".So use the below command to rake the migration

[mathew@mathew cric]$ rake db:migrate

If the migration is a successful one the result will be like this as below

[mathew@mathew cric]$ rake db:migrate

(in /home/mathew/Aptana RadRails Workspace/cric)

== CreateTeams: migrating ====================================================

-- create_table(:teams)

-> 0.2117s

== CreateTeams: migrated (0.2126s) ===========================================

So table is created,our next step is to print "hallo world",i think i had forgotten that, so next we need to create a controller to write our first method through which i can show you hallo world

Inorder to create a controller use the below command on the console,here admins is the name of the controller

mathew@mathew cric]$ script/generate controller admins

If it is created successfully we will get the below result on the console

mathew@mathew cric]$ script/generate controller admins

exists app/controllers/

exists app/helpers/

create app/views/admins

exists test/functional/

create test/unit/helpers/

create app/controllers/admins_controller.rb

create test/functional/admins_controller_test.rb

create app/helpers/admins_helper.rb

create test/unit/helpers/admins_helper_test.rb

Then open the routes.rb and make an entry like this below

map.resources :admins

This is where exact mapping take place.

Then go to the controller and write one method called index as given below
def index

Then create a view file called index.html.erb and write a label like this

>label<Hallo world>/label<

Then start the server by giving the below command

[mathew@mathew cric]$ script/server

Then give the following link in browser ans see the result


SO Our first second wish come true.